Thursday 8 August 2013

rap music

i had the most mesmerizing experience today before
a shower
i had my ipod playing
and this slow piano song came on, it was sad
i was looking at some blemishes on my forehead b/c obv i slept on my hand or have been wiping sweat or w/e
and i'm feeling very lethargic and common
and as the chords strike i swat a fly on the mirror
then smear some fingerprints by accident
and i'm scrubbing and scrubbing all while aware this song is affecting my actions and how I'm interacting with the mirror
i'm so frustrated! so i change the song to rap, take off my shirt and I'm like 'whatup!?' and automatically feeling amazing
i feel big, fit
in charge of me
and fuck the mirror, I'm amazing
so rap is awesome.
end of story.

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