Friday, 24 August 2012

Comparing lemons to limes.

Him; of all places, the pace is the races.
Fall all over himself and wait to be picketed up.
Fun, it’s all in good fun that mandarins and Chinamen
Wait to picked up from the airport;
The last resort we ever took and take me
my mind that which was once shook.
I’m a coward! A pussy! A malignant tumor!
I’m an onset of a malicious rumour.
Tell the queen that her son in home
Is the same that took what took to Rome.
That’s what it is. A tourniquet face
holding the place of somber embrace
And her legs, her legs all over my face
Told me that I took the wrong pace
And now I’m no longer in the running or race.
Turn my head out--inside out-out.
Then wait for the rest to conquer an unconscious mind
Remember when easy was easy?
I can take it all, peasy-squeezy,
but lift lemons to limes and oranges to apples
And all the while waiting for another waiter to tip?
No, no, that’s not all! Not at all.
Another unconscious dream debate
While the debate teams wait to fall. Fail.
No ship, no mast, no sunset, no sail.
You heard? You heard me? I’m harming
with one arm squeezing the underling under me.
I can’t hung up, I can’t hold. She’s all away awake
and turning pages until that mystical sunset
Where we turn back to the back tune of time
And remember to wait to wait to remember. What?
That’s understandable;
Underniable. You’re underneath me
And I’m not waiting anymore under you.
You’re eggs, your ingenious timing, you!
And I’m waiting, still.
Wondering what’s going to happen when the sin shines
When the sun sets,
And the sun rises,
And the days that time or fate or whatever…
We’ll grow closer as we grow older
Until you leave me for a man twice my age
And I’m left with the three kids we never asked for
Waiting, still waiting asunder whatever plot came
What’s the ploy we came for?
It’s good when we’re coming
But not when we’re going;
I say,
It’s good when we’re coming,
but not where we’re going.
It's good when we're coming,
but not while we're going.

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